Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Car

I have a 1994 Acura Vigor and it just cracked 100k miles. I bought it 3 years ago with 60k miles on it. I have been doing my basic maintain (oil changes) but not much more until this fall. Since then I have gotten new tires, new upper control arms in the front, 2 front tie rods, a high flow intake, spark plugs, new distrubtor cap, new PCV, new headlights, new belts, upgraded to 93 octane. I currently have new rotors for the front and a CV boot.  I am going to keep replacing more and more bushing the rear shocks and struts. I am going to change my oil and fuel filter and start to put it a oil additive to really clean the engine

I am trying to keep this car in good shape to have it running good for atleast another 2 years while i get through Nursing School. If anyone has any ideas on how i can keep it running smooth id be willing to listen.

Cars have become my new hobby so by all means lets start a good discussion

November 2009

So here's how it is now. I am in school and things are going alright. Next semester will be a tough test but after that i can focus on my core classes and become an RN. The holiday season is upon us now and I am very excited to go see The Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall and see the Christmas tree. As well as celebrate the 1year anniversary of proposing to my fiancee at the place at propose, Ruth's Chris. FYI Excellent Restaurant.

Now if you look back into my blog you will see that at the beginning of the baseball season I told all Yankee fans to relax and just see how the season plays out. And look you came home with the world series trophy. Arod established himself as the best position player in baseball, CC put all the fears of him not being able to perform in New York and in the big spot behind him and Jeter quieted everyone who was putting him on the bench of DH position. Tex also had a great year, could done better in the post season but you cant have everything Yankee fans. '

Now as far as football. The Giants and Jets have sucked it up ever since the Yankees have won the world series. It seems as if they stole all the wins for New York teams. Giants have some real issues in the back field as well as Manning just doesn't seem to be with it recently. There defense also needs to step there game if they want to make the playoffs. Dallas and Philly are playing too well (some of the time) for the Giants to loss too many more games.

As for the Jets.... Ouch!!!! Some days I just don't know if they Jets are seriously cursed. They go 3-1 in there first 4 games when everyone thought that was there "tough" part of their schedule. Instead they win those games and lose to the cupcake teams. Sanchize eats hot dogs on the sideline, the coach cries and then the team talks about it to the media. Same ol' Jets!! That's all I have to say about that.

Basketball 2010-2011 is the only thing I will say about the NBA. Lebron is coming to the New York Area no matter what. Either playing with Jay-z or in the Garden.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 is an awesome moving company. Best in New york City. Outstanding customer service and top notch movers

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life Update

Rather than report on other peoples lives or shows or whatever, I have some updated news about myself. Today was my first day back at school since I graduated from Iona College. It was interesting and familiar. I felt as if I hadn't left. But i definitely could tell i left due to being one of the older people in the class rather than just blending in.
First time around I took all the short cuts and made it threw college. This time is not for short cuts or anything of that nature. This time around I want and need to be the best, the highest achiever in the class. I hope I will be this enthusiastic in 2 years or even 2 months. i am well rested and my mind is clear. I have just gotten back from vacation from Cancun, Mexico with my beautiful fiancee and we had a tremendous time. Food, Drink and Beach was excellent.

Goal - 3.8 gpa for nursing school

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wrestle Mania XXV

Now I have been a wrestling fan since I can remember, even dating back before I rooted for the Mets, Jets or even the immortal Michael Jordan, but I can not remember being so damn bored from a four hour pay per view event. First of all as a wrestling fan I do not want to see Kid Rock perform for 20 minutes of filler. This is not the Super Bowl of Wrestling, It’s Wrestle Mania. I felt as if I was watching an over hyped Monday Night Raw. All the events were so predictable.
Of course John Cena was going to beat those two morons and continue there really stupid story line with Vicky. (On a side note: if Eddie wasn’t so damn good and deserve the respect to have his family supported by the McMahan she should be thrown off of any show that WWE produces.) Now of course you had to give the belt back to Cena because he just filmed a movie for WWE movie studios but I could of being slightly more dramatic. And we all knew that Randy Orton’s destruction of the McMahan family had to stop somewhere. I have never seen anyone take out so many McMahan’s not even what some may say the greatest of all time The Rattle Snake “Stone Cold” Steve Austin had. (Hogan helped create this sport into what it is now so he will always be the Greatest of all Time, but Stone Cold comes close.)
Now the match I looked forward to for weeks and usually is the best match of the night. The Money in the Bank Match is for all the new or comeback athletes to show of there death defying feats and the will of competition. My first question is Mark Henry????? Now come on do you really think he would be able to climb the latter Hornswaggle brought in never mind the twenty foot ladders in the ring? Christian was in that match and had a great chance at taking that match down and they would be able to continue the rivalry with him an Edge. Cm Punk winning it for the second time in two years just does not do it for me. Now I understand his angle is very good to promote to children who do watch the WWE but he’s not all that entertaining. He’s a middle of the row wrestler with a good story-line but he needs a rival to compete with to step his game up.
Now my disappointing moment of the evening was when the Hardy Boys went at it and it was boring and uneventful. The one crazy move Jeff tried cost him the match and wasn’t even original, he has used that move in the past.
Now on a more pleasant note, Taker and the Heartbreak Kid had a match for the ages. While watching HBK kick up from a tombstone pile driver and the Dead Man kick up from multiple sweet chin music it broke many, many wrestling rules. These two Hall of Fame bound Superstars deserved to be the shining star of an event which might be one of there lasts. More than once during the match I thought the referee was asking them to stop the match because both of them landed on their heads and I thought were not going to be able to continue the match. But that is why these two Superstars are the cream of the crop and I was entertained with every moment of this match, even though a few times I thought it should have ended.
Overall I felt there was too much fluff and not enough action. I have been watching TNA wrestling recently and they are taking it up and pushing the envelope and if WWE doesn’t start stepping up to the plate they are going to lose more wrestlers as well as more fans will start tuning into their programming.

Up Coming Premium Television Shows Premiering This Summer

Over the last couple of years since the large fan bases for the Soprano’s, Sex and the City and Queer as Folk have caught on HBO and Showtime have been doing their best to produce quality shows. I am not familiar with all of their shows but may of them I am a vastly enthralled with.
The first of these shows is Californication staring David Duchonvny (from the X-Files). No he does not play a creepy guy looking for aliens again. He plays a writer who wrote one of the best books ever written and then was produced into a crappy lovey dovey movie in which he despises but is becoming extremely rich off of it. It is also dealing with the on and off again relationship with his baby’s momma, (the girl is 14 now though). It’s a very dark comedy that deals with everyday situations in very outlandish ways. If you have not seen this you should catch up on season 1 so when season 2 begins in July you are ready to jump right into the show. Duchonvny really appeals to the average guy who just does not know what the hell they want to do with their life and is always screwing things up even when he shouldn’t be. Each episode he finds himself in a crazier and crazier situation. A must see.
Now to introduce you to another new HBO show, True Blood. First and foremost let me state I am not a vampire movie/show fan, even if Buffy was extremely hot. But this show deals with many different aspects of human life and how different we all are. It is filled with a few good looking woman, occasional nudity/sex, and drug use??? (You will understand when you watch), and a semi believable story line. I feel the way they are going with the story line is more about dealing with racial hostility with out using a black/white issue or another minority group.
Now my favorite of them all is Eastbound & Down. It was just picked up for another season which makes me very happy. Eastbound & Down can be seen on re runs of HBO or is currently able to be seen on HBO VOD. If you like Will Ferrell then you will not be able to control yourself while watching this movie. The main character Kenny Powers is a washed up MLB pitcher who thinks he’s in his prime and his life after baseball. Will Ferrell makes appearances in the show and has an extremely funny character which pushes Kenny to his limits. Also for all you guys out there who love boobs, maybe the best pair I have ever seen are on display on one of the last 2 or 3 episodes. This show is worth the look even if it is just for the boobs.
Other shows in which I will give a thumbs up to is Weeds which I believe is finishing up. I have watched it for the last 2 seasons, both pretty good and now looking to check out the first couple.
Another new show which is in the middle of its first season is The United States of Tara. It is a show based upon a woman with DID, Disassociate Identity Disorder, which is usually confused with multiple personality disorder. Whatever it is this show is pretty funny. Tara’s family has to learn to deal with her personalities coming out at random times which mostly negatively affect their lives. Showtime’s Diary of a Call Girl is pretty interesting and I watch it here and there.
Now this is the place where I put a shameless promotion. I have invested in a movie producing company which has released many different movies, mostly B movies. But they have come out with great new movies called “Babysitter Wanted.” It is now available on many Video on Demands and is being sold in most DVD stores. Pick it up, check it out and let me know what you think. Should I invest more in this company???

New York Yankees After Week #1

First off this is a message to all Yankee Fans: get off the ledge and don’t jump just yet. You have a solid rotation even though the best pitcher the other night verse the Ray’s was Swisher but when the weather warms up and A-Rod makes his triumphant return all the Yankee fans will understand why your team is worth 200 million. An all star at almost every position, role players in good spots and excellent starting pitching.
The only worry I can foresee in the future for the Yankee’s is that middle relief. Getting to Rivera is going to the hard part, but with all that starting pitching the Yankee’s bullpen should be nice and rested.
Now to talk about A-Rod, for all you Yankee fans who like him please skip this paragraph. Alex Rodriguez IS THE BEST playing in baseball at this moment whether he used steroids or not. Almost everyone has used them why complain. He was better than everyone else when everyone was using them and now he’s still better than everyone else playing the sport. Now for his off the field stuff, he is the highest paid player in baseball and loves the attention, what else would you expect from a guy who grew up in Washington Heights in New York City during one of the worse drug epidemics in the history of the world. Hopefully this year he will focus more on playing, by keeping his love life (esp. the wife, Madonna, or any other strippers/call girls whom catch his eye)
Many Yankee fans can not wait for the new “museum” of baseball to open up for the real official time. I being a resident of the Bronx my curiosity is flying around. I was sad to see the old stadium go but for us New York baseball fan we needed some nice digs to play in. I am glad from what I can see they have kept many of the aesthetics the same and keeping the lore of Yankee Stadium alive.
My first time going to a professional baseball game was at the old Yankee Stadium went I was about 8 years old. Still to this day I can remember the sights, the colors, the smells (especially on the 4 train on the way to the Stadium), and the feel. When my father walked me threw the Stadium and gave me some of the history of the place I was in awe. Now hopefully I can do the same for my child and allow them to experience the thrill I received. There was just a feel of myth, legacy and history when you walk into such a historic place like the old Stadium. All this from a Met fan but being a Bronx resident there is no denying what the Yankees have meant to Bronx.
My advice to the Yankee fans is to relax, they haven’t even opened the stadium yet and there are a few bright spots on the team especially the performance of AJ Burnett. And don’t forget many teams are going to be having fire sales starting in about a month and a half and the Steinbrenner’s have large wallets. So hang in there and just think of the great memories your going to create in the first season in the New Stadium during the post-season.